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The importance of Data and analytics in fraud prevention

Fraud prevention with the help of data and analytics Fraud occurs in all industries, but the damage it causes differs depending on the industry. However, the detection and prevention of fraudulent activities have become easier with data analytics. Traditional methods, in contrast, are labour intensive and rely heavily on the […]

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Data Science Skills You Should Know

Introduction Many “How to Data Science” courses and articles, including my own, tend to highlight fundamental skills like Statistics, Math, and Programming. Recently, however, I noticed through my own experiences that these fundamental skills can be hard to translate into practical skills that will make you employable. Therefore, I wanted […]

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How to Remove Duplicates in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a widely used application, but it can be a little confusing when it comes to removing and eliminating duplicate data. Removing duplicates in Excel is a prevalent task for people working on huge datasets. When you combine different tables, or when many people have access to the […]

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Introduction to Data Science with Python

As the world entered the era of big data in the last few decades, the need for better and efficient data storage became a significant challenge. The main focus of businesses using big data was on building frameworks that can store a large amount of data. Then, frameworks like Hadoop […]

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What is Artificial Intelligence: Types, History, and Future

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently one of the hottest buzzwords in tech and with good reason. The last few years have seen several techniques that have previously been in the realm of science fiction slowly transform into reality.  Experts look at artificial intelligence as a factor of production, which has the […]

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